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AMSTERDAM ASCENDANT is sold in Amsterdam bookstores

David and I recently visited Paris for pleasure, soaking up its culture and seeing friends, and afterward went to Amsterdam to promote my novel. I was pleased to see Amsterdam Ascendant prominently displayed in the front window of The American Book Center and inside near the front door with other books about the city.

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Presenting my AMSTERDAM ASCENDANT book

In appreciation of the Netherlands honoring my Uncle Walter for giving his life in the cause of freedom during WWII in Nijmegen, I presented my AMSTERDAM ASCENDANT novel to the Netherlands Defense Attache, Rear Admiral Sebo Hofkamp, in appreciation of the Netherlands own struggle for freedom. My novel chronicles the early years of their Eighty Years War (1568-1648) against Spanish rule. The admiral and other embassy staff said they looked forward to reading it.

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This is Netherlands Ambassador's hanger for her badge

This is the badge hanger that Brigitta Tazelaar, Netherlands Ambassador to the United States, gave to me after I complimented her on it. The word feminist has become a term of derision in some circles, and it was heartwarming that such an accomplished woman proudly proclaims her feminist bona fides -- and on an official Netherlands badge hanger!

I will definitely wear it with pride on future International Women's Day and women's rights demonstrations.

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Meeting Netherlands Ambassador to the United States

At the Netherlands Embassy ceremony honoring my Uncle Walter, I had the pleasure of meeting Brigitta Tazelaar, Netherlands Ambassador to the United States. It was International Women's Day, and the ambassador was wearing suffragette white. While we were discussing the status of women's rights, I complimented her on the blue hanger that held her staff badge, and she surprised me by removing the hanger and placing it around my neck. Such a gracious gesture by a very impressive woman. It capped off a special day for me and my family.

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The Netherlands honors my Uncle Walter

At a ceremony in the Netherlands Embassy in Washington D.C. on March 8, the Netherlands government honored my Uncle Walter and two other soldiers of the 325th Glider Infantry and 82nd Airborne for their courage during the WWII Market Garden campaign. Uncle Walter, my mother's oldest brother, died near Nijmegen in 1944. My brother George received the Orange Lanyard and certificate from Rear Admiral Sebo Hofkamp on behalf of our family.

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Meeting Prince Albert

At the Monaco Yacht Club with Prince Albert and American Susan Feaster, longtime friend and former neighbor, who invited us to fete Americans competing in the US vs. Europe celebrity golf tournament that she founded and hosts each year. Susan is a remarkable woman, and we are lucky to have her again as our neighbor, she in Monaco and we in Nice. It was our first maskless outing since Covid restrictions were eased in France and first time meeting royalty. A memorable event.

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Enter your comments on my manuscript excerpts here, by clicking the POST A COMMENT button.


My FICTION IN PROGRESS page has five excerpts:


-  Start of Chapter 1
-  Drama
-  Action
-  Love
-  Saucy


Please feel free to comment as you like, on all of them at once or any one of them. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated, whether constructive criticism, praise, or something else. If you have a question, ask away. I will do my best to answer it promptly.

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Carnavalovirus in Nice

Nice's Carnaval (Carnival) is canceled this year. Instead, we have the literally and figuratively grotesque Carnavalovirus, which by the way is not so over the top when compared to Carnaval characters and floats of bygone years. Interested in seeing more photos and videos about my life in France? Go to @judithw.richards on Instagram, where I post about the arts, serendipitous discoveries, and other things that interest me.

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2003 visit to Amsterdam - nice memory

I was going through old photos and came across this one of my sister Sharon and me, taken in 2003. Sharon had come to Amsterdam, where David and I had rented an apartment for five weeks, to celebrate her 40th birthday. We took in museums and a Yo Yo Ma concert and were delighted when our mutual friend Englishman Lloyd Briscoe surprised us with a visit. Sharon's birthday was celebrated at the charming Restaurant 't Zwaantje (The Little Swan) on Berenstraat not far from our apartment on the Prinsengracht. Nice memory.

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DID YOU KNOW? In Amsterdam, you can visit the Begijnhof, a fascinating and tranquil Catholic compound.

The Begijnhof is in the heart of the city and was established shortly after the 1345 miracle. It is the home of the Beguine sisterhood, who are not nuns or typical Catholics. The Begijnhof plays an important part in my story because fictional Aunt Margaretha is a Beguine. She is well-educated, spiritual, tends toward mysticism, and is devoted to helping the needy. She teaches literacy and religious principles in the vernacular and not in Latin, which the church hierarchy frowns upon, along with the Beguines' mysticism. Margaretha came to the order with her own money to buy a house in the Begijnhof and is a savvy investor.  


After Protestants took over Amsterdam's government in 1578, they seized Catholic facilities, and banned the annual Miracle Procession and Catholic worship in public. The church within the Begijnhof was taken over, but the Begijnhof residences were untouched because they were private, not church, property. When the large Holy Place church on the miracle site was confiscated, its holy relics, including the miracle Holy Communion host, were entrusted to the Beguines. After 1578, the Beguines started holding clandestine church services in their homes.


House 34 is the oldest residence in the Begijnhof and probably the oldest in Amsterdam. The last Beguine died in 1971, and now the Begijnhof is home to about a hundred unmarried women.

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